Appreciate this refreshing point of view from you, Robert.
These are some of my takeaways. Feel free to point out anything I understand wrongly.
1) It is not about whether you join in the FOMO/trade, but how you participate in it depending on your understanding and risk tolerance. As long as you/anyone executing knows clearly what they are doing, it is not a stupid act.
2) Different people could weigh in the consequence of losing the money or not participating in the upside of the trade differently. Understanding yourself and understand what you do not know is important.
There is always something you will learn in the investment you make if you reflect on it. And I have to say. I learnt something from you here. It honestly lit up my eyes for the day. Thank you. Looking forward to the next newsletter from you.
Appreciate this refreshing point of view from you, Robert.
These are some of my takeaways. Feel free to point out anything I understand wrongly.
1) It is not about whether you join in the FOMO/trade, but how you participate in it depending on your understanding and risk tolerance. As long as you/anyone executing knows clearly what they are doing, it is not a stupid act.
2) Different people could weigh in the consequence of losing the money or not participating in the upside of the trade differently. Understanding yourself and understand what you do not know is important.
There is always something you will learn in the investment you make if you reflect on it. And I have to say. I learnt something from you here. It honestly lit up my eyes for the day. Thank you. Looking forward to the next newsletter from you.
Thank you, Ernest! I think you understood it perfectly.