The way people think about money fascinates me...
Part of my real estate investing strategy is renting out an RV — like Airbnb, but for RVs.
The other day a couple came to pick up my RV for their trip and we were chatting.
Randomly, the guy looks at the RV and says to me, “you must be rich, huh?”
I said no, brushed it off, and changed the topic to continue the conversation.
He and his wife left with the RV shortly after.
A day or two passed by and I found myself randomly thinking about how the guy had asked me if I was rich — which I’m not, yet.
That’s when I realized how interesting it is to see how he (and most people) think of money…
Sure, I own the $85,000 RV…
But HE just rented it for $998 for 2.5 days/2 nights to go to a jazz concert.
I put 0% down to buy the RV and financed it. There’s nothing rich about that.
But he paid nearly $1,000 for a short trip…
This dynamic fascinated me.
All the best,
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Not into the standard work-until-you’re-65-and-then-have-enough-to-retire idea? Neither is Aaron Nannini, author of the highly-rated book Cash Uncomplicated.
Gaining early financial freedom starts with having a different mindset from the crowd. In this book, you’ll learn to get clear on what really matters, take a value-based spending approach, and set up rock-solid systems that will propel your finances to new levels.
Order the book and down your free bonuses here. Also, make sure you catch Robert’s interview with Aaron on Episode 94 of Millennial Investing.
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really insightful